Glass Pool Fencing installation requires planning to determine what council regulations you need to follow, what size Glass panels you need and how many spigot posts you need to order etc.
Safety is paramount when it comes to pools in Australia so please ensure your plan meets all council and Australian pool safety regulations.
When planning, ensure you leave at least 32mm gap between or under the glass to allow GlassMate to be easily removed after installation.
Once you have your plan and are ready to install, follow these steps to install your glass pool fencing.
Follow your plan and mark out the positions for your spigot posts and then use a Core Drill to drill out the holes to the required depth.
NOTE: Specifications for the hole size and depth required will depend which spigot posts you are using - seek advice from manufacturer.
Lay glass panel flat on table or trestles with the bottom overhanging the edge. Measure where on the panel the spigot posts need to be to match your plan and attach to the bottom of the panel.
Now is the time to also attach a GlassMate tool onto each end of the glass panel.
HINT: Attach a dress ring to each spigot and tape it up onto the glass so it doesn't fall off whilst installing.
Carry glass panel into position and carefully lower spigots into the pre-drilled holes. GlassMate will sit on ground and help support glass. Two people will be needed for installing large panels.
Once you have placed glass panels into their holes you are now able to use GlassMate to easily adjust the level, tilt and height of each panel so that they are all perfectly aligned.

TIP: The more GlassMate you have, the more panels you can install at once.
Once you are happy with your glass panel placement, height and alignment, pour Grout into hole to set-in the spigot posts. Clean up any spilled grout straight away.
Allow to dry - check grout manufacturers instructions for drying time.
Once grout is set, remove tape from dress rings then lower to cover the rest of the hole.
Remove GlassMate by loosening screws and dropping down under glass or slide out from in between panels.
NOTE: Ensure you have left at least 32mm gap in between or under the glass to allow GlassMate to be easily removed.